About us

what we believe
We are a welcoming, Bible-based church located in the Woden Valley in the South of Canberra.
Our congregations are made up of people with a wide range of ages, cultures and backgrounds. Anyone is welcome. We are imperfect people who have found forgiveness and new life through trusting in Jesus Christ.
God’s love for us means that our doubts, fears and pride are being overcome. By his Spirit, he is changing us to serve him with gratitude, love, joy and hope. In everyday life, we seek to promote the truth and love of Jesus – doing good in service of others, and giving an answer to those who ask about the reason for the hope that is within us.
As a community of believers, we draw upon the evangelical Anglican tradition that upholds the Bible as the supreme authority, rule and standard of faith – containing all things necessary for salvation. We receive the Christian faith from the early, apostolic church, as expressed in the historic Creeds. These summarise what the Bible tells us is God’s great rescue plan, that: “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19). For “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
We invite people to explore this good news about Jesus and find God’s undeserved favour and new life in him.Our Mission is to ‘show Christ in the community so that he is honoured as Lord and Saviour’.

An Anglican Church
St George’s Church belongs to a wider fellowship of churches that is formed by the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn. This is overseen by Bishop Mark Short, and is supported by the Anglican Diocesan Services team.
The authorised standards of Anglican belief and practice include the ‘Book of Common Prayer’ and the ‘Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion’. This is expressed by the systematic reading and exposition of the Bible, responding in prayer, and by administering the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion).

Our History
Our history dates back to 1967, when a congregation gathered in local Primary Schools. By 1983, the church had grown and moved into our building in Pethebridge Street, Pearce. The Parish (mission) area that was formed now covers the suburbs of Pearce, Torrens, Mawson, Farrer, Isaacs and O’Malley.

Jason Clift serves as a Pastor, overseeing the ministry and mission for our church. Jason trained for ministry at Moore Theological College. He has previously served as an assistant with the leadership team at churches in Normanhurst, Emu Plains and Gungahlin. When time allows, Jason enjoys bushwalking and exploring new places with the family.
Meredith Clift is involved with women’s Bible study, Youth and Children’s Ministry. She likes op shopping, gardening and drinking a good cup of tea.

Giving to St George’s
The mission and ministry of St George’s is entirely dependent upon the regular and generous financial giving of its members. We receive no external funding or financial assistance.
To contribute go to
Account name: St George’s Anglican Church
BSB: 032731
Account Number: 870225