About Jesus
Jesus is the centre of our beliefs and life together as a church. The Bible reveals Jesus to be God’s King who shows us God’s truth and love. Jesus – the innocent one was crucified, taking the penalty of death we deserve for our rebellion against God, and so Jesus was gloriously resurrected as Lord of all. Now, as a result, God offers forgiveness for our wrongs and eternal life to all who trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. When Jesus comes as judge, God will restore the world as a new creation to be enjoyed by his saved people.
How do I find out more about Jesus and the Christian faith?
The best place to start is to read the gospel of Mark in the New Testament section of the Holy Bible. The New International Version is a popular translation. We offer short courses for those who want to find out more about Jesus to explore, consider, question and discover the best news you’ll ever hear. For those who already follow Jesus, this is also a chance to refresh the basics of the Christian faith. No prior knowledge is required.
To see a summary presentation about Jesus and the Christian faith, visit christianity.net.au.

Two ways to live
This is a brief presentation that explains the gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of the overarching story of the Bible. It provides the foundations a person needs to know in order to become a Christian.